Taking a Writing & Culture in the 19th Century course which seems like it will be interesting.
The language of the texts will be, how can I say it... muy difícil.
The 1 hour lecture goes by quickly, but we will see how the 2 hour seminar does.
It all seemed pretty relaxed though, which I like.
Followed up the first day of lecture with the first day/night of training for hockey.
It was good turnout for the first session, which had a start of 11:30pm (ugh...).
Tom Wilson who led the practice ran us all into the ground. A sound introduction.
Training sessions take place at the Silverblades Ice Rink in Altrincham, UK.
Its about a 20-30 minute drive from Mill Point.
It was a nice facility and is home to the Trafford Metros and the Manchester Phoenix.
Unfortunately, games are being played at Deeside in Wales...
I really liked the ice at Altincham.
And the netting instead of plexiglass at Deeside really throws me off a bit.
It looks a bit strange and as well.
And I've yet to test out the right side driving seat or driving on the wrong side of the road...
But hey, a guy can still dream right?