I still don't back the duvet thingy, but as they say, "when in Rome, do as the Romans do."
... even if you look silly trying to get that darn duvet cover on for about 20 minutes.
Especially right in front of a pretty English girl. ;D
Yeah, that'll be washed never. Kidding.
It will be washed, then I will be pro status at putting duvet covers on.
And the hockey corner: smells better than I thought it would.
(Cheers to Febreze's blossom & breeze scent.)
Its not much, but it is all my essentials for a healthy diet, my brilliant hygienic skills...
Always gotta smell fresh.
And of course my lids to control my terrible morning bed head. :D
(Brought to you by Tesco Apple Juice, Vimto, PG Tips Tea, & a 2Kg of sugar.)
My room's newest and greatest addition would be the mini kettle.
I'm sure it will be saving my life in weeks to come.
Best £5.49 I will ever spend.
And to go with it...
240 tea bags of greatness: we hope.
Vimto making a special appearance!
Can't go wrong with a tidy wardrobe!
My ManU, Chris Smalling kit hanging up, getting some face time.
And finally, the crème de la crème!
My very barren yet, hopeful bulletin board.
United's "Keep Red and Win Titles" is a nice ode to the great English poster phrase, "Keep Calm and Carry On", coined by the British government in 1939 to raise morale of the British public at the start of WWII.