To use up a little time before myself, Thorben, and Valts went to Thorben's friend for New Years, Achim took Thorben & I to Hanover for a few hours.
King Ernst August of Hanover. His son was George V, the King of Britain.
The new city hall of Hanover.
The stadium of Hannover 96.
The old city hall of Hanover.
Classic style buildings.
Achim, Thorben, and I returned to Minden around 7.
By 7,30, Susanne (Thorben's mom) was driving us to Thorben's friend's house for New Years.
We watch "Dinner for One," a British sketch from 1963.
It is apparently a tradition to watch it, so it was actually my first time seeing it.
Its German name is Der 90. Geburtstag.
After everyone we arrived, we settled in for our own dinner.

I dunno what it is called, but the name was I was told it was called is "raclette".
It is a process of heating your own food on a griddle or underneath the griddle.
The concept originated in Switzerland.
Thorben's main goal of the night was to make feuerzangenbowle.
It is a typical German New Year's drink made of red wine and rum.
It was meh, the smell of wine is gash in my opinion.
As midnight and a new year neared, we head outside for fireworks.
Luckily those 3 went straight up into the air.
One wasn't so lucky as it shot down the street towards a neighbor's car!
Fortunately no one was hurt, so once that was settled, everyone had a good laugh. xD
Champagne is apparently supposed to be sipped every so often.
I took it all in one go. Mmm...
The party moved into the second room of the house.
Music, games, ect.
One in particular was new to me.
One person was blindfolded and given a spoon and had to find a bucket that was set somewhere on the ground. They were given the directions of "warm" or "kalt". (warm or cold)
Once you found the bucket, how did you celebrate? A shot of Heydt.
(Weck den Waldmeister - Wake up the wood master.)
The morning after:
For a first New Year's outside of the US, it was very exciting!
I wish everyone a Happy New Year and the best wishes for 2012! :]