... and by bright & early, I mean, I didn't go to sleep Sunday night. xD
I successfully arrived at the airport on time, and ready to go.
Once I was all checked in, I was flown off to my first destination in Brussels.
I only had to wait a half hour in Brussels before my flight to Zagreb boarded.
I was very excited as it has been a dream as of late to get myself to Croatia.
I spent all second semester last year learning about the war in War & Conflicts.
Yes, war is a hard subject, but at the same time it led me to the beauty Croatia offered.
Also, I have friends back home who are from Croatia & they speak highly of their homeland.
A little fact: the flight to Zagreb would be my first flight on a prop plane!
And out the window, the Alps lurked below:
My flight landed in Zagreb around 1.30PM, a tad later than it was supposed.
As I stepped off the plane, I took my 1st breath of Croatian air.
Hmmm, victory!
I had little trouble getting thru customs; that compared to the questions I'm normally asked.
Entering Croatia, I was asked none! Passport stamped and that was it.
My last connection was from Zagreb to Split.
Although I was confused as why my flight read "ROME" on the departures board.
Always difficult to be confused in a country where you don't speak the language.
So... what did I do?!
I asked the pretty Croatian girl sitting next to me if my ticket was incorrect.
When there were announcements made (in Croatian), she kept me informed.
How lovely of her... Turns out, the flight WAS headed to Rome via Split!
When I arrived at Split Airport, I navigated myself to the bus transfer to Split city center.
Sorted. 40 minutes later I was standing by the harbor in Split.
10 minutes later, I would be lost in Split's many unidentified streets.
I asked two lovely lassies where I was, but they hadn't an idea; alas, I was still lost.
I retraced my steps and found what I now know as the Riva, the main street along the harbor.
Once I had my barrings straight, I soon arrived at Tchiakovsky Hostel.
Filip, the owner of the hostel got me situated in my room and I unpacked.
With a map in hand, it was time to see some of the city with hours of daylight I had left.

10 minutes later, I would be lost in Split's many unidentified streets.
I asked two lovely lassies where I was, but they hadn't an idea; alas, I was still lost.
I retraced my steps and found what I now know as the Riva, the main street along the harbor.
Once I had my barrings straight, I soon arrived at Tchiakovsky Hostel.
Filip, the owner of the hostel got me situated in my room and I unpacked.
With a map in hand, it was time to see some of the city with hours of daylight I had left.