
Sunday, April 6, 2014

Undergraduate Poetry Reading

March 25 was the Reading & Writing Poetry unit showcase at Manchester's Gorilla. It was only the second time that I have read my personal poetry in any setting—the first being at UNCG’s 2013 Poetry Day. As a concept, it is something excites me because I get an instant reaction to my work. And to think, I have only delved into poetry writing within the last three years and having opportunities to read/perform my own work is a bonus (I used to play guitar in a metal band in high school).

Our instructor Nikolai Duffy had reserved the side room for our reading and a number of those on the unit showed up. I’d estimate numbers at around 20, give or take a few. But several individuals not associated with the unit also showed up to listen.

Each student got a slot of roughly five minutes. Whilst a handful of poems followed techniques of those poets we have studied on the unit, some were adventurous combining different forms. I read four poems that are currently still in draft mode that I will be submitting alongside my final portfolio. All four are untitled and will hopefully morph into one long poem regarding human experience and the human condition. Each includes both verse and prose parts, which is something new from the unit. From my studies in Reading & Writing Poetry I have become fascinated with Edmond Jabes and Alice Oswald. I continue to be interested in The New York School poets (O'Hara, Ashbery), Charles Reznikoff, Miklos Radnoti and Czeslaw Milosz.

MMU's Humanity Hallows contribution piece summarising the day can be found here.