After getting myself all bundled up for the cold weather I set off to begin my adventurous day.
My first stop was Salisbury Cathedral, which has the tallest spire of any cathedral in the UK.
Stands at 404 ft, thanks Wikipedia...
Salisbury Cathedral (Cathedral of Saint Mary's) also has the oldest working clock at 1386 AD.
The Cathedral was completed in 1258.
Again... thanks Wikipedia. xD
Now... to be honest, I took a picture of this building for two reasons, 1) it seemed like it was meaningful in its design and 2) it had the cafe name of "The Boston Tea Party" hanging outside.
Little did I know, upon research done seconds ago, the building dates back to 1314 as the Old George Inn, now The Boston Tea Party, and Old George Mall. According to the Boston Tea Party website, "William Shakespeare is believed to have performed one of his plays in its courtyard."
The Poultry Cross, which was/is a landmark for the poultry markets in Salisbury.
Behind the trees lies St Mary & St Melor Abbey Church.
The church dates back to 979 AD.
Onto a few photos from Stonehenge.
Probably the most famous collection of rocks in the world...
Stonehenge dates back up to 5,000 years ago with its creation being estimated between 3000 BC and 2000 BC.
I was unfortunately unable to get a good photo of the burial mounds.
The weather definitely took over at Stonehenge.
Although it was an absolutely beautiful day, it was menacingly frigid as well.
I felt like I was stuck inside a wind tunnel for an hour.
Though, it was all well worth it!
The last stop on the Stonehenge tour was Old Sarum.
Old Sarum details human habitation dating back to 3000 BC
Photo of the Norman ditch...
All the ditches were man-made.
Additional note:
If you would like to plan a tour of Stonehenge via Salisbury, visit The Stonehenge Tour.
The tour brings you to Stonehenge (your admission into Stongehenge), Old Sarum, as well as Salisbury Cathedral. The ride includes great views of the Wiltshire countryside.
The tour allows for an ample amount of time to spend at each site, as Stonehenge Tour buses circulate by the hour to each site.
Fares range from £11 pound (tour only) to £22 (tour, Old Sarum, Stonehenge & Cathedral). And for all the money-struggling students out there, your tour costs £15 (tour, Old Sarum, Stonehenge).
A conclusion to my day...
Being that it was a Sunday, I had to have a Sunday Roast.
I made the short walk down Milford Street to the Cathedral Inn for my delicious meal.
For your enjoyment, a short clip from my visit to Stonehenge:
(Mind you, the wind was ridiculous!)