After introducing them briefly to the city, we all sat down for a nice meal with Roho (friend from the Metros) at Paramount; a lovely pub (and fairly priced) on Oxford Road.
Thursday (18/11) was a special day as I took them both to Trafford for the Old Trafford tour. An added addition was the appearance of the sun and rather reasonable autumn temperatures -- as opposed to the grey and rainy English weather I had when I first one. But seeing Old Trafford in both types of weather makes for totally different experiences, both being great of course.
What was extra special about the day, is United had recently dedicated the North Stand to [current] manager Sir Alex Ferguson, which went alongside Manchester United's celebration of Sir Alex's 25 years of service at the club.
I was eager for their reaction to a football pitch they hear so much about and I think they really enjoyed their visit to Old Trafford.
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The Manchester Metros Div 3 team traveled to Bradford on Thursday (18/11) night for a clash with the Bradford B team. The significance? I help coach the "M3tros" as they refer to themselves. It has been a lot of fun to see the potential they all posses and the growth they have made since the beginning of the season. The Metros handled the Bradford Sabres quite easily, cruising past them in a 10-4 fashion. The M3tros dominated not only on the scoreboard, but on the shot totals as well, boasting 80 shots to the Sabres 12. Had the team capitalised on all of their chances, they could've been looking at a record number of goals!
Interesting fact: To get to Bradford from Manchester, one must take the M62 Motorway, which connects Liverpool to Hull. The M62 Motorway runs over top of the Pennines [mountains] and at its highest point Saddleworth Moor, the motorway becomes the highest point of any motorway in the United Kingdom at 1221 feet (372m) above sea level.
I wasn't able to get a picture of the sign detailing this point as it was dark out and we were moving quite quickly back to Manchester in Andy Mack's car, BUT, here is a photo of the sign to look for:
(Photo courtesy of M62 Location Scout)